...to say how much I love your webcomic and especially "The Man Who Was Thursday." I donated to you today and had no idea how else to express my enjoyment! Thank you!
Update! Motorcar in, um... hand. The gang makes yet another escape.
It's come to my attention that Semagic hasn't been posting the entries in my queue even though it gives me the notification that it has. I don't check livejournal so much these days but I'll make a focused effort to find the problem and fix it. Sorry if you thought we were dead. We were just resting.
Update! We did, in fact update today. But yet again Semagic does not like to cough up the entry I queued. Blarghle!
Also, those of you who enjoy attending my livestreams and watching me draw, there will be one tonight at 7PM EST over at http://www.livestream.com/littletales